Eerder al beircht uit laten gaan dat het uitbetalen op Nerdbux een onmogelijkheid leek.
Tot op heden nog steeds een ramp.
Menig lid heeft de site al gebombardeerd tot Scam ( = Engels voor oplichterij) site.
Vraag je een uitbetaling aan, dan is de kans voor 99.99% dat je deze melding krijgt:
"We've reached the daily payout limit, please try again tomorrow."
Aanpassingen/ updates voor de site zijn hier te vinden.
De webmaster van CashAdda geeft aan dat er binnenkort grote aanpassingen zullen zijn op de site.
Echter is het totaal onduidelijk wat dit is. Laten we hopen op meer verdienmogelijkheden.
Al mag ik niet klagen met zo'n 17 cent per dag.
Global Ad Share
Global Ad Share heeft zijn mogelijkheden om Ad Shares aan te schaffen uitgebreid met een Mega Ad Pack.
Het voordeel lijkt hiervan te zijn dat je meer credits krijgt, waarmee je zelf kunt adverteren en dat je onder meer een spot krijgt in de mega cycler. Indien je deze cycler in zijn geheel doorloopt verdien je 400% terug.
The Mega adpack costs $10 each and will mature at $15.00 (or 150%). With the $10 purchase, you will receive:
1. One Mega adpack that will mature at $15 (150% in returns)
2. 4000 credits
3. A position in the 5-phase (2x1, 3x1, 2x1, 3x1, 5x1) Mega cycler that
pays $5, $5, $5, $10, and $15 upon cycling (400% in returns). It also
creates a new position in the Turbo cycler (upon completion of
phase-4) and a re-entry into phase-1 (upon completion of phase-5).
HiBux ademde de laatste tijd zwaar.
Desalniettemin gaat de site verder. Het enige irritante is momenteel dat de kans om te winnen op de adgrid zijn verkleind, gezien het aantal mensen dat een prijsje wint op de grid.
Het andere nadeel is dat de site momenteel niet de gebruikelijke $2.00 uitbetaalgrens hanteert, maar een $10.00 grens heeft ingesteld. Zal hier zelf spoedig achter komen of de site daadwerkelijk uitbetaald.
Van het forum van PTC Solution
Secondly I would like to bring back monthly Premium Promoter - but it can be paid with cash only at the moment. But I also keep the yearly Premium Promoter. But if someone has Premium Promoter and it will expire then referrals limit will go down as well, according to new membership (Standard or Premium).
Basically there is some confusion about rented referrals limit because of recent changes and promotions.
Basics are - the script will let you go over the limit while buying for example Premium Account with referrals but please keep in mind that you won't be able to extend any referral over the limit. The same happens now for Premium Maxi Promoters as limit has changed.
So keep in mind that not extending Premium Promoter for another month won't let you keep referrals over the limit. The same story with new rented referrals limits for Premium Maxi Promoters. And the same story if you go over the limit with current promos - you can enjoy rented referrals over the limit for 30 days but script won't let you renew, extend referrals over your limit.
I'm in talks with new developer so I hope this kind of script errors will be fixed in the future.
About payments - we are doing quite ok with keeping 31 business days term with PayPal payments. Unfortunately Payza and EgoPay payments are over that limit. There is not much I can do about it to be honest. Income on those payments processors are very poor. I basically top them up with my own cash or the cash PayPal is releasing from old accounts but in the last review they've decided to release $50... out of good few bucks still lying there on blocked account.
So everyone who is waiting more than 31 business days and has Payza or EgoPay pending withdraw can request switching the payment over to his PayPal account. If you wish to do so, please open a support ticket and make sure you have a proper PayPal address set on your account.
Also I would like to introduce new international forums: Chinese, Ex-Yougoslavian, French and Dutch forum. We are looking for native language speakers for that forums so if you think you can cope with that, just open a support ticket.
The last new thing is a new look of banners section, encrypted referral links and also you can make a link to every subpage on the site.
Encrypted referral link is known from other ptc sites. It doesn't show up your username and also it won't show up you as a referrer on registration page.
About referral link to any subpage - in the toolbar at the bottom you can see a new icon:
After you hoover your mouse pointer over that icon a little menu will pop up. You can choose either regular or encrypted link to the page you are seeing. Just choose one, click on it and copy the link you will see. So it means that you can for example promote with you Success Story on the forum, with Payment Proof page and many other options. That is a great tool to get more direct referrals as you don't have to promote only home page.
If you cannot see those changes please refresh the site for few times, it will show up then. I hope you will like the new links and the promotion.
Voorbeeld encrypted en gewone referral link.
Meer informatie over deze sites en andere sites vind je op Dutch Dollar Delight

Eerder al beircht uit laten gaan dat het uitbetalen op Nerdbux een onmogelijkheid leek.
Tot op heden nog steeds een ramp.
Menig lid heeft de site al gebombardeerd tot Scam ( = Engels voor oplichterij) site.
Vraag je een uitbetaling aan, dan is de kans voor 99.99% dat je deze melding krijgt:
"We've reached the daily payout limit, please try again tomorrow."
Aanpassingen/ updates voor de site zijn hier te vinden.
De webmaster van CashAdda geeft aan dat er binnenkort grote aanpassingen zullen zijn op de site.
Echter is het totaal onduidelijk wat dit is. Laten we hopen op meer verdienmogelijkheden.
Al mag ik niet klagen met zo'n 17 cent per dag.
Global Ad Share
Global Ad Share heeft zijn mogelijkheden om Ad Shares aan te schaffen uitgebreid met een Mega Ad Pack.
Het voordeel lijkt hiervan te zijn dat je meer credits krijgt, waarmee je zelf kunt adverteren en dat je onder meer een spot krijgt in de mega cycler. Indien je deze cycler in zijn geheel doorloopt verdien je 400% terug.
The Mega adpack costs $10 each and will mature at $15.00 (or 150%). With the $10 purchase, you will receive:
1. One Mega adpack that will mature at $15 (150% in returns)
2. 4000 credits
3. A position in the 5-phase (2x1, 3x1, 2x1, 3x1, 5x1) Mega cycler that
pays $5, $5, $5, $10, and $15 upon cycling (400% in returns). It also
creates a new position in the Turbo cycler (upon completion of
phase-4) and a re-entry into phase-1 (upon completion of phase-5).
HiBux ademde de laatste tijd zwaar.
Desalniettemin gaat de site verder. Het enige irritante is momenteel dat de kans om te winnen op de adgrid zijn verkleind, gezien het aantal mensen dat een prijsje wint op de grid.
Het andere nadeel is dat de site momenteel niet de gebruikelijke $2.00 uitbetaalgrens hanteert, maar een $10.00 grens heeft ingesteld. Zal hier zelf spoedig achter komen of de site daadwerkelijk uitbetaald.
Van het forum van PTC Solution
Secondly I would like to bring back monthly Premium Promoter - but it can be paid with cash only at the moment. But I also keep the yearly Premium Promoter. But if someone has Premium Promoter and it will expire then referrals limit will go down as well, according to new membership (Standard or Premium).
Basically there is some confusion about rented referrals limit because of recent changes and promotions.
Basics are - the script will let you go over the limit while buying for example Premium Account with referrals but please keep in mind that you won't be able to extend any referral over the limit. The same happens now for Premium Maxi Promoters as limit has changed.
So keep in mind that not extending Premium Promoter for another month won't let you keep referrals over the limit. The same story with new rented referrals limits for Premium Maxi Promoters. And the same story if you go over the limit with current promos - you can enjoy rented referrals over the limit for 30 days but script won't let you renew, extend referrals over your limit.
I'm in talks with new developer so I hope this kind of script errors will be fixed in the future.
About payments - we are doing quite ok with keeping 31 business days term with PayPal payments. Unfortunately Payza and EgoPay payments are over that limit. There is not much I can do about it to be honest. Income on those payments processors are very poor. I basically top them up with my own cash or the cash PayPal is releasing from old accounts but in the last review they've decided to release $50... out of good few bucks still lying there on blocked account.
So everyone who is waiting more than 31 business days and has Payza or EgoPay pending withdraw can request switching the payment over to his PayPal account. If you wish to do so, please open a support ticket and make sure you have a proper PayPal address set on your account.
Also I would like to introduce new international forums: Chinese, Ex-Yougoslavian, French and Dutch forum. We are looking for native language speakers for that forums so if you think you can cope with that, just open a support ticket.
The last new thing is a new look of banners section, encrypted referral links and also you can make a link to every subpage on the site.
Encrypted referral link is known from other ptc sites. It doesn't show up your username and also it won't show up you as a referrer on registration page.
About referral link to any subpage - in the toolbar at the bottom you can see a new icon:
After you hoover your mouse pointer over that icon a little menu will pop up. You can choose either regular or encrypted link to the page you are seeing. Just choose one, click on it and copy the link you will see. So it means that you can for example promote with you Success Story on the forum, with Payment Proof page and many other options. That is a great tool to get more direct referrals as you don't have to promote only home page.
If you cannot see those changes please refresh the site for few times, it will show up then. I hope you will like the new links and the promotion.
Voorbeeld encrypted en gewone referral link.
Meer informatie over deze sites en andere sites vind je op Dutch Dollar Delight
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