Ik heb onderstaand gedeelte van het forum overgenomen en enkele delen gearceerd.
what is happening now in PTCSolution.com?
1. There will be a new company established called NetAdSolution.com, I mean company is already established but will change their name at the end of the March as main director is away abroad until that time. What does that mean for you and me? We are just operating under different company, that's it. I'm still here, owner of PTCSolution.com and admin of the site.
2. NetAdSolution.com will bring some other services than only PTCSolution.com, I'm already working on:
- NetAdSolution.com Mail service
- NetAdSolution.com Adserver service
- NetAdSolution.com Email marketing
- NetAdSolution.com Website creator
- NetAdSolution.com Tracking system, called tr4ck.us
- NetAdSolution.com Advertising system which is PTCSolution.com
I was thinking about re-branding PTCSolution.com to Adv.NetAdSolution.com but i think it's too much to loose at the moment, our brand, ratings etc so I will leave it like that.
3. You might ask - why do I give myself much more work to do? ;) Reason is simple. Last time PayPal denied us they clearly stated that PTCSolution.com is fine but they cannot accept companies with only paid to click site. That's why I've decided to expand to prove them that PTCSolution.com and our community is much more than simple paid to click site.
4. Before all those services will kick in there is a need for a lot of work to be done. I'm on my own so it's pretty hard. My working hours are like 7am to 2am, to catch about 5-6 hours sleep and then go back to work. What is worse, my developer just left me as he is kind of moody person and I cannot rely on this kind of people. Person responsible for designing is making worse and worse job so he had to go as well. Basically I need to start looking for new people but it's so hard to trust someone you don't know.. When all that services will go live I'm sure there will be a lot of bugs, designs won't be finished etc. but slowly I will be polishing every site belonging to NetAdSolution.com
5. Cutbacks? We need to get back on track. I think we all need to think together what can we do to keep the site going and getting it back on the very top. I have some ideas like temporary disabling 5 level purchase commissions, lower the commissions from referrals etc. But I would like to hear your opinions, ideas. I know many people won't be happy but this is a bit hard time for us and we all need to work together to keep the site going. I will do some promotions soon but I cannot make them all the time as more promotions actually means less income to the site at the very end.
6. Payments. Basically everything what is coming in is coming out the same day. I've put all the cash I got back (until now) from old frozen PP account and I even put some of my saving as well. Even struggling we have reached over $100k of payments within 7 months which is a dream for many better working sites I presume.
7. NetAdSolution.com Team. As I said more services to maintain then it's less time for me to do anything. That's why I've asked one of the first person I was talking since PTCSolution.com started if he would like to help me out here in forum and later on with the tickets. So I would like to introduce great user Kickstand as a new forum Admin. He already proved many times that he is very nice, helpful, informative person so he is ideal for that position in my opinion. Later on he will be managing ticket system, after I will settle down a a little with all planned work. I've already invited another person for that position as well and I'm awaiting for approval or denial of my offer.
8. Server. In the moment I'm moving all static content to another server so one powerful server will be managing only database and other one, all other content. I hope that will make the site to work faster. There might be some glitches (optimizing settings etc) so please forgive me if there will be something working wrong. I will do my best to avoid any problems.
So that's it for the moment. I hope when NetAdSolution.com will kick in properly you will be glad to use my other services as well. I will try to make it a nice place to manage your advertising and spending some time as well.
what is happening now in PTCSolution.com?
1. There will be a new company established called NetAdSolution.com, I mean company is already established but will change their name at the end of the March as main director is away abroad until that time. What does that mean for you and me? We are just operating under different company, that's it. I'm still here, owner of PTCSolution.com and admin of the site.
2. NetAdSolution.com will bring some other services than only PTCSolution.com, I'm already working on:
- NetAdSolution.com Mail service
- NetAdSolution.com Adserver service
- NetAdSolution.com Email marketing
- NetAdSolution.com Website creator
- NetAdSolution.com Tracking system, called tr4ck.us
- NetAdSolution.com Advertising system which is PTCSolution.com
I was thinking about re-branding PTCSolution.com to Adv.NetAdSolution.com but i think it's too much to loose at the moment, our brand, ratings etc so I will leave it like that.
3. You might ask - why do I give myself much more work to do? ;) Reason is simple. Last time PayPal denied us they clearly stated that PTCSolution.com is fine but they cannot accept companies with only paid to click site. That's why I've decided to expand to prove them that PTCSolution.com and our community is much more than simple paid to click site.
4. Before all those services will kick in there is a need for a lot of work to be done. I'm on my own so it's pretty hard. My working hours are like 7am to 2am, to catch about 5-6 hours sleep and then go back to work. What is worse, my developer just left me as he is kind of moody person and I cannot rely on this kind of people. Person responsible for designing is making worse and worse job so he had to go as well. Basically I need to start looking for new people but it's so hard to trust someone you don't know.. When all that services will go live I'm sure there will be a lot of bugs, designs won't be finished etc. but slowly I will be polishing every site belonging to NetAdSolution.com
5. Cutbacks? We need to get back on track. I think we all need to think together what can we do to keep the site going and getting it back on the very top. I have some ideas like temporary disabling 5 level purchase commissions, lower the commissions from referrals etc. But I would like to hear your opinions, ideas. I know many people won't be happy but this is a bit hard time for us and we all need to work together to keep the site going. I will do some promotions soon but I cannot make them all the time as more promotions actually means less income to the site at the very end.
6. Payments. Basically everything what is coming in is coming out the same day. I've put all the cash I got back (until now) from old frozen PP account and I even put some of my saving as well. Even struggling we have reached over $100k of payments within 7 months which is a dream for many better working sites I presume.
7. NetAdSolution.com Team. As I said more services to maintain then it's less time for me to do anything. That's why I've asked one of the first person I was talking since PTCSolution.com started if he would like to help me out here in forum and later on with the tickets. So I would like to introduce great user Kickstand as a new forum Admin. He already proved many times that he is very nice, helpful, informative person so he is ideal for that position in my opinion. Later on he will be managing ticket system, after I will settle down a a little with all planned work. I've already invited another person for that position as well and I'm awaiting for approval or denial of my offer.
8. Server. In the moment I'm moving all static content to another server so one powerful server will be managing only database and other one, all other content. I hope that will make the site to work faster. There might be some glitches (optimizing settings etc) so please forgive me if there will be something working wrong. I will do my best to avoid any problems.
So that's it for the moment. I hope when NetAdSolution.com will kick in properly you will be glad to use my other services as well. I will try to make it a nice place to manage your advertising and spending some time as well.
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Houd het a.u.b. wel netjes !!!